Green Juice for Weight loss
With just 200 calories, try this thirst quenching, healthy honeydew melon, ginger and cucumber mock-tail this summer.

Ingredients in this green juice recipe:
- honeydew melon
- cucumber
- fresh ginger
- agave
- limes
- basil
- mint
- ice

Special equipment for this green juice recipe:
- High powered blender
- microplane
- sharp knife
- fine mesh sieve- buy my favorite here

7 other healthy recipes to try:
- Sugar-Free Strawberry Sauce
- Keto-Friendly Dairy-Free Chocolate Mousse
- Keto Coconut Balls
- Anti-Oxidant Rich Blood Orange Sparkling Cocktail
- Dairy-Free No-Mayo Tuna Salad
- Protein Packed Salmon, Apple,Lentil Salad
- Blue Zone Shrimp, Feta and Orzo Salad

Nutritional Information for this Green Juice for Weight Loss:
Total calories: 199, Fat- .6grams, Sodium- 68.5mg, Total carbs- 52.9grams, Sugar- 42.9grams, Protein- 3.3grams, Calcium, 25.2%, Iron- 2.8%, Potassium 1108.2mg, Vitamin A 11.2%, Vitamin C- 28.5%

Juicing to lose weight:
While this recipe may not appear to be low in sugar or carbs, the juices are very filling and will keep you from wanting sweets or other snacks. I drank this juice or variations of it before my daughter wedding in 2021 and lost 13 lbs.
I combined this juice with a regular walking routine of 10,000 steps each day and a weight lifting to help shed the pounds. This juice replaced my desire for a cocktail in the evening. It was loaded with vitamins- especially potassium and vitamin C. It is such a mood booster to enjoy. Make a tall pitcher of this juice and treat yourself to a healthy alternative to that margarita or glass of wine.

- 6 cups cubed honey dew melon- about one large melon
- 4 cups peeled and chopped cucumber- about 2 medium cucumbers
- 2 TBSP fresh ginger minced
- 2 TBSP agave
- ½ cup fresh lime juice
- basil plus extra for garnish
- mint plus extra for garnish
- ice
- Place cucumbers, melon, agave, ginger, lime juice and a large sprig of basil u0026 mint in a heavy duty blender such as a Ninja.
- Process until smooth.
- With a mesh sieve, strain solids from liquid reserving the liquid in a large pitcher.
- Pour liquid into glasses filled with ice. Garnish with extra basil, mint or a thin slice of cucumber.